10 Juni 2011

Definition of Reading

Reading is one of important skills in learning. The fundamental goal of any reading activity is to understand the concept and to know the language. Here are some definitions about reading:

1) Scheiner in Kustaryo (1998:2) defines reading as an active cognitive process of interacting with the print and monitoring comprehension to establish meaning.

2) Weaver has identified three definitions for reading:
a) Learning to read means learning to pronounce words.
b) Learning to read means learning to identify words and get their meaning.
c) Learning to read means learning to bring meaning to a text in order to get meaning from it.

3) Hornby in Syahriani HP (1945:1999) defines reading as an action of a person who reads.

4) Goodman (1971:135 in Pimsleur et at) states that reading is a psycholinguistic process by which the reader, a language user reconstructs, as best he can a message which has been encoded by a writer as a graphic display”.
Concerning with some definitions of reading given above, the researcher makes his own definition that reading is the process of obtaining information from written language through looking at it and analyzing something from the written language.
However, defining reading is not that simple especially when reading comprehension is the focal point of a research study. Johnston (1983 in Carrell, 1991) tried to work out its closest meaning as such:

“Reading comprehension is considered to be a complex behavior which involves conscious and unconscious use of various strategies, including problem-solving strategies, to build a model of the meaning which the writer is assumed to have intended. The model is constructed using schematic knowledge structures and the various cue systems which the writer has given (e.g., words, syntax, macro-structures, social information) to generate hypotheses which are tested using various logical and pragmatic strategies. Most of this model must be inferred, since text can never be fully explicit and, in general, very little of it is explicit because even the appropriate intentional and extensional meanings of words must be inferred from their context.”

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