10 Juni 2011

Kinds of Reading Comprehension

There are many different kinds of reading, each requiring different approaches, techniques and levels of concentration. Some of the different types of reading people may use are listed as follows:

a) Reading for enjoyment – light reading (e.g. magazines, novels). This requires a minimum of effort and little concentration.

b) Reading for an overview or exploratory reading, involves skimming or pre-reading a book or journal to get the general idea of the topic. This is the sort of reading used when looking through a book before deciding whether or not to take it out of the library to read in greater detail.

c) Revision reading – re-reading material which you are already familiar with. Revision reading is used to test information recall.

d) Search reading – reading to locate specific information or an answer of a particular question; A trivial example of this technique is looking for a phone number in a telephone directory. You are not interested in reading all the names and numbers in the phone book but just the one you are looking for. All the other irrelevant information can be ignored.

e) Reading for mastery – reading to obtain detailed information and an understanding of a text; usually slow, careful and repeated reading requiring more intense concentration.

f) Critical reading, means reading to assess or review ideas. This also involves intense concentration. Critical reading requires that you distinguish between opinions, assumptions and fact, and recognize fallacious or illogical reason, false statement, emotional language, understatement, overstatement, irony, satire and omission of information.

g) Proof reading, refers to reading to correct grammar, spelling, punctuations. This requires meticulous attention to details. This is the final step in preparing any written work.

Burn et al (1984:177-178) categorized reading comprehension into four categories namely, literal reading, interpretive reading, critical reading, and creative reading.

a) Literal Reading
Reading for literal comprehension involves acquiring information that is directly stated in a selection. Answer to literal question simply demands the students from memory what the book says. Literal comprehension is the lowest level type understanding.

b) Interpretive Reading
The imperative involving reading between the lines or making is not directly stated in the text, but suggested or implied. Interpretive levels of reading comprehension go beyond literal comprehension.

c) Critical Reading
Just like the meaning of the critical reading revealed before, Burn views that the essential reading is evaluation of the ideas in the materials with known standard and conclusion about accuracy appropriateness. In the critical reading, a reader must be collected, analyze and synthesize the information.

d) Creative Reading
The creative reading involves going beyond the material presented by the author creative and requires the students to think as they read and to use their imagination. In creative reading, the reader tries to come up with a new or alternative solution to those presented by author.

Based on several definitions above, the researcher concludes that reading comprehension means the understanding, evaluating, utilizing of information gained through symbol of the text that involves any level concentration.

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