10 Juni 2011

Reading Technique

Reading is an active cognitive process of interacting with print and monitoring comprehension to establish meaning. Simanjuntak (1988: 16) says that the first point to be made about the reading process is reading comprehension knowledge is basic element we do not know, or new information, to what we already know. Both points are describing that reading comprehension is reading process in which the reader’s knowledge of the language or text he read is required to be able comprehend to understand the massage or at least to approach the original massage of the writes in the text.
Simanjuntak in Developing Reading skill (1988: 4) says, “Reading comprehension is most likely to occur when the students are reading what they want to read, or at least what they see same good reason to read.”
Reading technique is important to understand reading material. Otherwise, if the student read without any technique, they cannot find what they want from their reading. Therefore, students who have determined what they expect to gain from their reading should select a purpose in this case; they must be able to project the ideas, application and conclusion. These reading necessities should be taught to help to improve the student reading abilities. Kustaryo (1998: 4) said that student should know same reading technique that they need for their college work. They should be sure understood the reading materials. Different types of reading materials call different reading techniques.
The gestation above indicates that the importance of reading technique that reader can obtain information, the main idea or understand the whole materials. Some reading techniques are presented as follows:

1) Survey reading. In survey reading, a reader surveys some information that they went to get. Thus, before that reading process, a reader must set what kind of information the reader needs.

2) Skimming is a technique used to look for the gist of what the author is saying without a lot of details (Kustaryo, 1998:5 in Hernia). This used if the reader only wants a review or an overview of the material. According to Smith and Johnson (1980), skimming is reading technique for getting information to satisfy certain reading purpose rapidly.

3) Scanning is also a technique for finding specific information without reading the entire selection, (Smith Johnson, 1902:402). When a readers need to locate specific information, he might read carefully to find the information that they read.

4) Reading in depth - this involves reading a text or passage thoroughly, paying attention to detail.

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