10 Juni 2011

Motivation for reading

Kembo, 1993:37 in Nani suggested some procedures to motivate the students in learning reading subject as follows:

1) Start from the student’s reports, taking time to discuss what they are reading. This technique has a twofold benefit: it boots individual morale as the teacher focuses on individual during discussing, and the teacher can probe students on their perceptions of and reactions to what they have read.

2) Students who read the must books can be rewarded with small tokens at the end or middle of their term. These tokens need not be expensive-they can be as simple as exercise books, pens, mathematical sets, or small story or poetry books.

3) Interesting books reports can be pasted up or pinned to the soft board so that the other students will be encouraged to read them. One important way to provide motivation in reading is to link it with actual language lessons by trying it to other language skills. This helps students realize that they can do the best.

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