7 Juni 2012

Procedure Text

Procedure text is text that explain the way to operate or how to make something. Examples of the operate something are how to operate computer, how to drive a car, etc. Examples of the make something are how to make meatballs, how to make orang juice, how to make cupboard, etc. Procedure text make the reader know how to do or to make something correctly.

First off all, switch off the phone. Second, slide the cover, and pull out the battery. Then, insert the SIM card into its slot. But, remember, do it carefully.
Now, slide the cover back onto the mobile phone. Finally, switch on your phone and you’ll see the signal of your SIM card on the phone screen. You can start using your phone.

Characteristics of procedure text :
1. Generic structure, divided to :
- Goal : apa yang ingin dicapai atau diraih. Contoh, How to Insert SIM Card (according to the text above).
- Material/Tool: bahan atau alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat/melakukan sesuatu. Contohnya, Phone (according to the text above).
- Steps/Procedures: langkah-langkah atau prosedur dalam melakukan/membuat sesuatu. Reader can see the text above.
2. Using “simple present tense”. Contoh: Switch, slide, pull, and insert.
3. Using imperatives sentence. Contohya, Switch off the phone, slide the cover, pull out the battery, and insert sim card.
4. Sequences Word. Contoh: first, second, then, and finally.

Arrange the sentence below according the correct step!
a. Then, the computer will scan in computer about viruses.
b. Wait a moment while your computer is starting scan data automatically.
c. Save your work at the computer and turn off the computer.
d. Plug the cable into the socket and turn on your computer.
e. Enter a keyword if you use it.
f. After that, choose programs as needed, for example you want to type, the program to choose is Microsoft Word.

a. Plug the cable into the socket and turn on your computer.
b. Wait a moment while your computer is starting scan data automatically.
c. Enter a keyword if you use it.
d. Then, the computer will scan in computer about viruses.
e. After that, choose programs as needed, for example you want to type, the program to choose is Microsoft Word.
f. Save your work at the computer and turn off the computer.

First, plug the cable into the socket and turn on your computer. Second, wait a moment while your computer is starting Scan data automatically. Next, enter a keyword if you use it. Then, the computer will scan in computer about viruses. After that, choose programs as needed, for example you want to type, the program to choose is Microsoft Word. Finally, save your work at the computer and turn off the computer.

Source :

2 Juni 2012

Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Just Awake PV's

hmm, lama gak nge-blog lagi soalnya lagi banyak kegiatan (sok sibuk) wkwkwkwk. Cuma pengen share aja nich PV dari Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas yang judulnya Just Awake. Ternyata eh ternyata, lagu yang satu ini ada english versionnya. keren dah band yang satu ini, creative never end. Check this out brew...

Just Awake English Version MP3

Just Awake English Version

Just Awake Japan Version