10 Juni 2011

L`Arc ~ en ~ Ciel - It's The End Lyrics (Japan - English)

saa sono toranku ni daisuki na mono o
zenbu tsume kondara
koko kara orite sono mama anata
dokoka ni kie usete

Well, if I packed up
All my beloved things in this trunk
I would get off of here
And disappear with you somewhere

i'll say good luck
korogaru sharin ni hikareta hana taba o nosete

I'll say good luck
Get on the bouquet caught by the rolling wheels

mou tameiki shika agerarenai yo
karappo no kotoba
imi o shirazu ni hakidasanai de
chishiryou o koeta mitai

I can only raise my sighing
Empty words
Don't wipe them out without knowing the meaning
Looks as if I got over the fatal dosis

i'll say good luck
minami he to mukete tooku e tobashite
it's the end
yakitsuku shite kure taiyou ikareta honou de

I'll say good luck
Turn to the south and fly far away
It's the end
Sun - burn it up with raging flames

tsumetaku sameta hikigane o hi ite sayonara

Pull the cooled down trigger ... farwell

'll say good luck
minami he to mukete tooku e tobashite
it's the end
korogaru sharin ni hikareta hana taba o nosete

I'll say good luck
Turn to the south and fly far away
It's the end
Get on the bouquet caught by the rolling wheels

It's the end

It's the end

Teaching reading

Teaching reading as a foreign language such as English is not easy to do. A teacher before teaching his/her students has to know his duty as a teacher. In general, the teacher should acknowledge or identify what target or goal that should be achieved in teaching English and to whom she or he teaches. Successfulness is determined by the use of appropriate method and technique. Therefore, in preparing the materials, an English teacher has to choose a method, which is suitable with the instructional aim written in the curriculum, the situation, and also his or her students’ ability level and interest. The use of an inappropriate method and technique cannot lead the teacher to a successful teaching although he or she completely masters the subject matter.

Motivation for reading

Kembo, 1993:37 in Nani suggested some procedures to motivate the students in learning reading subject as follows:

1) Start from the student’s reports, taking time to discuss what they are reading. This technique has a twofold benefit: it boots individual morale as the teacher focuses on individual during discussing, and the teacher can probe students on their perceptions of and reactions to what they have read.

2) Students who read the must books can be rewarded with small tokens at the end or middle of their term. These tokens need not be expensive-they can be as simple as exercise books, pens, mathematical sets, or small story or poetry books.

3) Interesting books reports can be pasted up or pinned to the soft board so that the other students will be encouraged to read them. One important way to provide motivation in reading is to link it with actual language lessons by trying it to other language skills. This helps students realize that they can do the best.

Reading Technique

Reading is an active cognitive process of interacting with print and monitoring comprehension to establish meaning. Simanjuntak (1988: 16) says that the first point to be made about the reading process is reading comprehension knowledge is basic element we do not know, or new information, to what we already know. Both points are describing that reading comprehension is reading process in which the reader’s knowledge of the language or text he read is required to be able comprehend to understand the massage or at least to approach the original massage of the writes in the text.
Simanjuntak in Developing Reading skill (1988: 4) says, “Reading comprehension is most likely to occur when the students are reading what they want to read, or at least what they see same good reason to read.”
Reading technique is important to understand reading material. Otherwise, if the student read without any technique, they cannot find what they want from their reading. Therefore, students who have determined what they expect to gain from their reading should select a purpose in this case; they must be able to project the ideas, application and conclusion. These reading necessities should be taught to help to improve the student reading abilities. Kustaryo (1998: 4) said that student should know same reading technique that they need for their college work. They should be sure understood the reading materials. Different types of reading materials call different reading techniques.
The gestation above indicates that the importance of reading technique that reader can obtain information, the main idea or understand the whole materials. Some reading techniques are presented as follows:

1) Survey reading. In survey reading, a reader surveys some information that they went to get. Thus, before that reading process, a reader must set what kind of information the reader needs.

2) Skimming is a technique used to look for the gist of what the author is saying without a lot of details (Kustaryo, 1998:5 in Hernia). This used if the reader only wants a review or an overview of the material. According to Smith and Johnson (1980), skimming is reading technique for getting information to satisfy certain reading purpose rapidly.

3) Scanning is also a technique for finding specific information without reading the entire selection, (Smith Johnson, 1902:402). When a readers need to locate specific information, he might read carefully to find the information that they read.

4) Reading in depth - this involves reading a text or passage thoroughly, paying attention to detail.

Important Factors in Reading Comprehension

Dealing with the improvement of the reading comprehension, it is very important to concern with factors that influence the reading comprehension. Salman (2004: 10-11) stated seven attention steps that can increase reading:

a) Attention is an absolute pre requisite to intensive metal impression.

b) Interest to the author’s ideas will make the readers easy to comprehend them.

c) Purpose contributes greatly to the amount that someone speed on a certain reading.

d) Concentration it is a process of holding on enough attention to establish the vivid impression which contributes so much to recall.

e) Association natural in rational association of ideas is very useful way to fix them in one is mind for later retention because the reader tries to association the author’s ideas with what he has mind.

f) Repetition means reviewing, in this case, the readers read something few times to understand it better.

g) Through distributed practice the reader will be a good and will have better retention in this reading if he always practices speed-reading and comprehension retention.

Tola (2003: 2) states that to understand reading, there are three principles of comprehension. These principles includes the importance of the student prior knowledge in the acquisition of information, the level of the text understanding to be achieve in the lesson and the organization of information to and long learn retention.

Level of Comprehension

As we know, reading is a thinking activity. By now, we have read this several times. This process involves getting meaning from the printed word or symbol. In his resource, the researcher finds all levels of meaning or comprehension. In this case, levels mean different depths of understanding and different analysis. In other words, the reader of this research paper will be expected to read at different levels of comprehension. These three different levels of comprehension can be called the literal level, the interpretive level and the applied level. Let us examine what each means briefly.

a) Literal Level
The first level of comprehension can be called the literal level for the sake of wording because it is the most simple. At this level, readers or students can attempt to answer the question: “What did the author say?” At this level, the readers would not have to understand the true meaning of a paragraph; however, the readers could memorize the information. Instructors might ask them to read a chapter dealing with dates or specific facts. At the literal level, the readers would memorize these dates and facts. However, even though the readers have memorized these facts, this does not mean that they necessarily understand their full meaning or see the implication of these dates and facts applied to other situations. At the literal level, the readers are looking at what was written by an author at “face value”, little interpretation is needed.

b) Interpretive Level
The second level of comprehension is called the interpretive level. At the interpretive level, the readers or students can attempt to answer this question: “What was meant by what was said?” At this level, the readers are attempting to understand what the author meant by what she/he said in the story, paragraph or textbook. It is presumed that the readers have already memorized certain facts at the literal level and then they are attempting to see the implications of the author’s words. At this level, the readers are attempting to read between the lines. At this level, the readers are trying to understand that which we memorized at the literal level of comprehension.
Knowing the how and why behind this level of understanding is obviously a much deeper or profound level of thinking. This level of comprehension is that college instructors will most likely expect their students to get in their courses. Of course, they want them to memorize dates, facts, details, but they also want us to be able to understand how that information relates to and is connected to the “bigger picture” of what the students are studying.

c) Applied Level
At this level, the readers are about to elevate or raise your thinking one more “notch” or level to a more critical, analyzing level. This presumes that the readers have already reached the previous two levels. At this level, the readers are “reading between the lines” and then examining the message from the author and attempting to apply that message to other settings.

Abderson in Yatim (1996:106-107) divided comprehension into three levels including reading between the lines. They are listed as follows:

a) Reading The Lines
At this level, a reader is expected to comprehend what the author says in order words, in reading the lines a reader tries to recall what the author explicitly states in writing

b) Reading between The Lines
This level is higher and more difficult than reading the lines. At this level a reader is demanded to understand what the author means not just what author says. When the reader comprehends the lines, he then tries to make interpretation between the lines

c) Reading beyond The Lines
This level is highest from to others, a reader at this level, is of drawing inferences and making generalization of what the reader has read.

Kinds of Reading Comprehension

There are many different kinds of reading, each requiring different approaches, techniques and levels of concentration. Some of the different types of reading people may use are listed as follows:

a) Reading for enjoyment – light reading (e.g. magazines, novels). This requires a minimum of effort and little concentration.

b) Reading for an overview or exploratory reading, involves skimming or pre-reading a book or journal to get the general idea of the topic. This is the sort of reading used when looking through a book before deciding whether or not to take it out of the library to read in greater detail.

c) Revision reading – re-reading material which you are already familiar with. Revision reading is used to test information recall.

d) Search reading – reading to locate specific information or an answer of a particular question; A trivial example of this technique is looking for a phone number in a telephone directory. You are not interested in reading all the names and numbers in the phone book but just the one you are looking for. All the other irrelevant information can be ignored.

e) Reading for mastery – reading to obtain detailed information and an understanding of a text; usually slow, careful and repeated reading requiring more intense concentration.

f) Critical reading, means reading to assess or review ideas. This also involves intense concentration. Critical reading requires that you distinguish between opinions, assumptions and fact, and recognize fallacious or illogical reason, false statement, emotional language, understatement, overstatement, irony, satire and omission of information.

g) Proof reading, refers to reading to correct grammar, spelling, punctuations. This requires meticulous attention to details. This is the final step in preparing any written work.

Burn et al (1984:177-178) categorized reading comprehension into four categories namely, literal reading, interpretive reading, critical reading, and creative reading.

a) Literal Reading
Reading for literal comprehension involves acquiring information that is directly stated in a selection. Answer to literal question simply demands the students from memory what the book says. Literal comprehension is the lowest level type understanding.

b) Interpretive Reading
The imperative involving reading between the lines or making is not directly stated in the text, but suggested or implied. Interpretive levels of reading comprehension go beyond literal comprehension.

c) Critical Reading
Just like the meaning of the critical reading revealed before, Burn views that the essential reading is evaluation of the ideas in the materials with known standard and conclusion about accuracy appropriateness. In the critical reading, a reader must be collected, analyze and synthesize the information.

d) Creative Reading
The creative reading involves going beyond the material presented by the author creative and requires the students to think as they read and to use their imagination. In creative reading, the reader tries to come up with a new or alternative solution to those presented by author.

Based on several definitions above, the researcher concludes that reading comprehension means the understanding, evaluating, utilizing of information gained through symbol of the text that involves any level concentration.

Definition of Reading

Reading is one of important skills in learning. The fundamental goal of any reading activity is to understand the concept and to know the language. Here are some definitions about reading:

1) Scheiner in Kustaryo (1998:2) defines reading as an active cognitive process of interacting with the print and monitoring comprehension to establish meaning.

2) Weaver has identified three definitions for reading:
a) Learning to read means learning to pronounce words.
b) Learning to read means learning to identify words and get their meaning.
c) Learning to read means learning to bring meaning to a text in order to get meaning from it.

3) Hornby in Syahriani HP (1945:1999) defines reading as an action of a person who reads.

4) Goodman (1971:135 in Pimsleur et at) states that reading is a psycholinguistic process by which the reader, a language user reconstructs, as best he can a message which has been encoded by a writer as a graphic display”.
Concerning with some definitions of reading given above, the researcher makes his own definition that reading is the process of obtaining information from written language through looking at it and analyzing something from the written language.
However, defining reading is not that simple especially when reading comprehension is the focal point of a research study. Johnston (1983 in Carrell, 1991) tried to work out its closest meaning as such:

“Reading comprehension is considered to be a complex behavior which involves conscious and unconscious use of various strategies, including problem-solving strategies, to build a model of the meaning which the writer is assumed to have intended. The model is constructed using schematic knowledge structures and the various cue systems which the writer has given (e.g., words, syntax, macro-structures, social information) to generate hypotheses which are tested using various logical and pragmatic strategies. Most of this model must be inferred, since text can never be fully explicit and, in general, very little of it is explicit because even the appropriate intentional and extensional meanings of words must be inferred from their context.”

9 Juni 2011

Asian Kung-fu Generation - Rewrite (Riraito) Lyrics (Japan - English) Ost. Fullmetal Alchemist

kishinda omoi o hakidashita ino wa
sonzai no shoumei ga hokani nai kara
tsukanda hazu no boku no mirai wa
songen to jiyuu de mujun shiteru yo

Wanting to spit out the jarred thoughts is
Because there's no other proof of my existence
My future that I should've grabbed hold is
Conflicting between "dignity" and "freedom"

yuganda zanzou o keshisaritai no wa
jibun no genkai o soko ni miru kara
jiishiki kajou na boku no mado ni wa
kyonen no karendaa, hitsuke ga nai yo

Wanting to erase the distorted afterimage is
Because I'll see my limit over there
In the window of the excessively self-conscious me
There are no dates in last year's calendar

keshite riraitoshite
kudara nai chougensou
wasureranu sonzaikan o

Erase and rewrite
The pointless ultra-fantasy
The unforgettable sense of being

imi no nai souzou mo kimi o nasu gendouryoku
zenshin zenrei o kure yo

Even meaningless imagination is the driving force that creates you
Give it your whole body and soul

mebaeteta kanjou kitte naite
shosen tada bonyou shitte naite

After cutting my feelings that grew, I cry
After realizing that after all, I'm just a mediocrity, I cry

kusatta kokoro o,usugitanai uso o keshite
kudara nai chougensou
wasureranu sonzaikan o

Erase this depressed heart, this dirty lie
And rewrite
The pointless ultra-fantasy
The unforgettable sense of being

imi no nai souzou mo kimi o nasu gendouryoku
zenshin zenrei o kure yo

Even meaningless imagination is the driving force that creates you
Give it your whole body and soul